How can Kinesiology deal
with Viral illnesses?

With the current Coronavirus outbreak we all need to be fully aware of important preventive measures such as: 

  • Avoid touching our eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands         
  • Wash our hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid going to the office when we are sick or sending our kids to school when they are sick. 


Apart from these fundamental official recommendations, you can add the preventive benefit of taking Colloidal Silver in order to strengthen your immune system. (If you don’t have a reliable source of Colloidal Silver, please get in touch with Franky Kossy)

Also today it is important to mention the effectiveness of Kinesiology in acting as a preventive and protective therapy.
In our Kinesiology practice we use a procedure called SET (Symbiotic Energy Transformation) in order to correct corrupt patterns that can result in ‘illnesses’.

As for the Coronavirus specifically, we have already managed to obtain the energetic pattern of the Coronavirus itself and we are able to  use this SET Kinesiology procedure to allow the body to recognize the Coronavirus pattern energetically and deal with it accordingly by preventing, protecting and strengthening the immune system.
To have more information regarding this procedure, get in touch and book a session with Franky Kossy.

Do not forget to join us on Saturday May 16th 2020 in London for our 

One Day Kinesiology Taster Course

Call me!